Spiritual support material
Geestelike ondersteuningsmateriaal

The world is in the perfect storm.

On New Year's Day 2020, very few of us knew that the world would face the Covid-19 threat early in the year. In history, a "perfect storm" was often the birthplace of the new and better future, and the relinquishing of the old and not so good ways.

We are in unprecedented waters - none of us have been here before, or know what lies ahead for us. The general good advice is that we should intensify social distancing and hygiene regimes. This is true and correct, but perhaps as believers we should tell each other that now is the time to put our Spiritual health above all else.

This is the opportunity for us:

  1. To become spiritually stronger in the Lord;

  2. To support our families and friends and to root their faith in the love and eternal faithfulness of the Lord through Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit;

  3. To discipline ourselves to think of God's things, the beautiful and loving things that give us hope so that the present tribulation does not throw us off balance.

At this time, ATS wants to be closer to you, your people and friends to provide assistance.

We have opened up one of our online learning courses and made it available free of charge at R600 (updated 1 Oct 2020). The course consists of 13 lessons with Scripture reading, discussion topics and reflection questions.

Parents and children can work through the lessons at home. Churches and home groups can synchronise to work through the material on their own, and at specified times meet in virtual WhatsApp, Whereby, Skype or Zoom discussion groups. In this way you can share your answers and reflect with one another. It also provides opportunity for support and prayer.

We’re planning to regularly upload videos that you and your family can watch online. These videos are child friendly and your children will be able to understand and follow the message with you.

At first we are going to make use of videos that are already in ATS’ library. Most are regrettable in Afrikaans since they were created for an Afrikaans TV broadcast channel.

For families with younger children we recommend that you download and print the Victor Kids Sunday school programme. It is free of charge. These lessons can be discussed with great success during family devotion time. The icebreakers and creative activities accompanying each lesson might also give parents interesting activities with which to occupy their children.

May our Lord bless you during this challenging time.

Jan Hattingh

Spiritual support material

  • Online prayer course
    Online course

    This online course consists of 13 lessons with Scripture reading, discussion topics and reflection questions.

    By the end of this course you will have a better understanding of:

    • Why we pray
    • What prayer is & the different kinds of prayer
    • What the things are that improve or frustrate our prayers


    Signup for the course →

  • Victor Kids
    Free download

    This Bible education programme is aimed at preparing our children early on to become independent Christians, who know and love the Bible.

    Read more about Victor Kids →

  • The meaning of the Sabbath of God

    In Christian tradition, and especially that of the Western church, the creation event is generally presented as only a six days’ work, while the completion of creation on the seventh day is much neglected, or even overlooked altogether.

    Therefore it is necessary to present a more complete perspective on the Sabbath as presented in the Biblical creation narrative, the history of Israel in the Old Testament, and that of the church in the New Testament.

    Read the full essay →

  • Doubt and Passover

    The world has never been without doubt: doubt in God’s goodness, love and His involvement in this disastrous world and in our own endangered personal lives.

    People usually ask many “why” questions when things go wrong and events happen which is seemingly against the belief in an almighty and loving God.

    Read the full essay →

  • How to make day-to-day decisions in difficult times?

    We do live in difficult times. As Christians we are more than often confronted with situations in which we really do not have all the answers and guidelines. And Satan tries to make this world and the Church of God a stinking swamp.

    Read the full essay →

Die wêreld is vandag in die perfekte storm.

Op Nuwejaarsdag 2020 het bitter min van ons geweet van die Covid-19 bedreiging wat die wêreld vroeg in die jaar in die oë sou staar. ’n “Perfekte storm” was in die verlede dikwels die geboorteplek van die nuwe en beter toekoms, en die afstand van die oue.

Ons is in ongekende waters – niemand van ons was al hier, of weet wat vir ons in die toekoms voorlê nie. Die algemene goeie raad is dat ons ons basiese higiëne moet opskerp. Dit is waar en reg, maar dalk moet ons as gelowiges vir mekaar sê nou is die tyd dat ons ons Geestelike gesondheid bo alles plaas.

Dit is die geleentheid om:

  1. ons geestelik sterk te maak in die Here;
  2. ons gesinne, familie en vriende te ondersteun en hulle vas te maak aan die liefde en ewige trou van die Here deur Jesus Christus en die teenwoordigheid van die Heilige Gees;
  3. ons te dissiplineer om God se dinge te bedink, die mooi en liefdevolle dinge wat ons hoop gee sodat die onheil ons nie van balans af gooi nie.

ATS wil in hierdie tyd nader aan jou, jou mense en vriende staan om bystand te lewer.

ATS stel gratis ‘n aanlynkursus beskikbaar vir R600 (opgedateer 1 Okt 2020). Die kursus bestaan ​​uit 13 lesse met Skrifondersoek, besprekingsonderwerpe en besinningvrae. Hierdie kursus is tans slegs in Engels beskikbaar. 

Ouers en kinders kan tuis saam deur die lesse werk. Kerke en huisselle kan hulself so koördineer om deur die kursus te werk en op spesifieke tye te ontmoet in 'n virtuele WhatsApp, Whereby, Skype of Zoom-besprekingsgroepe. Op hierdie manier kan u, u antwoorde en denke met mekaar deel. Dit gee ook 'n tyd vir ondersteuning en gebed.

Tweedens laai ons deurlopend video’s op wat u en u gesin aanlyn kan kyk. Hierdie video's is kindervriendelik en u kinders sal die boodskap saam met u kan volg en verstaan.

 Aanvanklik gaan ons gebruik maak van videomateriaal wat in ATS se biblioteek beskikbaar is.

Vir gesinne met jonger kinders beveel ons aan dat u die Victor Kids Sondagskoollesse aflaai en uitdruk. Dis gratis. Hierdie lesse kan met groot sukses tydens huisgodsdiens bespreek word. Die ysbrekers en kreatiewe aktiwiteite wat elke les vergesel, kan ouers ook interessante aktiwiteite gee om hulle kinders mee besig te hou.

Mag die Here u seën tydens hierdie uitdagende tyd.

Jan Hattingh

Geestelike ondersteuningsmateriaal

  • Aanlyn gebedskursus

    Hierdie aanlynkursus bestaan uit 13 lesse met Skrifondersoek, besprekingsonderwerpe en besinningvrae.

    Aan die einde van die kursus sal u 'n beter begrip hê:

    • Waarom ons bid
    • Wat gebed is & die verskillende soort gebede
    • Wat die dinge is wat ons gebede verbeter en frustreer

    Hierdie kursus is tans slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

    Registreer vir die kursus →

  • Victor Kids
    Laai gratis af

    Hierdie Bybelonderrigprogram berei ons kinders van vroeg af reeds voor om selfstandige Christene te word, wat die Bybel ken en lief is vir die Bybel.

    Lees meer oor Victor Kids →

  • Die huwelik & gesin reeks

    Die reeks bestaan uit 6 videos.

  • Hou aan bid sonder om moedeloos te word

  • Stryd en lyding in 'n gelowige se lewe

    Lyding, pyn en stryd word jou dienskneg as jy daarin slaag om dit sin en betekenis te laat kry tot verheerliking van God en tot voordeel van jou geestelike groei.

    Lees die volledige artikel →

  • Die vreemde storie van Pase is ons enigste redding

  • Mosterdsaad

  • Nou is dit tyd om aan die dak te hang

  • Aan wie se kant is God?

  • Krummels vir hondjies

Covid-19 preparedness worksheet

We've, in conjunction with a local congregation, compiled recommendations on the Covid-19 situation as it will impact your church and community.

The worksheet highlights 14 areas that might be impacted by Covid-19 and describes measures your church can take to address each of them. Your scenario might be different and therefor you will have to change some of the measures to better suit your unique situation. The worksheet is intended to be used as a starting point.

We trust that in some small way these recommendations will be useful to your congregation.

Download the worksheet

New spiritual support material will be added to this page in the weeks to come.

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