An alternative view of eschatology

By Tien Hattingh

On the eschatological journey, God gives divine identity to his people, He creates an intimate relationship, He cares for them and they are involved as collaborators in his eschatological programme.

God in His omnipotence and love, from the beginning had already the end in view. In the creation intent of God with man, it has been shown that God grants the believers, his children, through Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit, something of what He Himself is, especially the unity of love that exists between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We already notice this unity of love in the Old Testament from the story of creation and it is especially expressed in our childhood (or sonship) of God, in Jesus Christ.

This article is an extract from a Masters in Theology study on the eschatology (end time).

The extract is suited for cell/home/small groups and families as it contains 2 group discussion.

About The author

Pastor Emeritus M.A.L. Hattingh graduated cum laude for this Masters of Theology at the age of 75.

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