Second Coming of Christ book

This book is also available in Afrikaans: Wederkoms van Christus →

By Jan Hattingh

In this work, an attempt is made to help believers understand how to live in these particular end-time, before Jesus returns, so that he/she may be ready, but also to live out his/her calling in this dynamic time.

The Bible gives clear indications of the approaching end, and according to it, Jesus said: "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:28 NIV).

The book consists of 3 chapters:

  • The Last Judgment
  • Joyful expectations, battles and deceptions
  • How to live in the end times
Each chapter begins with a summary of the work that will be discussed, then the discussion follows, and at the end are questions.

It is very important to me that ordinary people get a chance to work prayerfully but also thoughtfully with the content. For that reason, I suggest you dedicate one whole meeting, for example, to just focus on the summary of the chapter.

Cell/home/small groups and families can work through this interactive book.

Description of the book

Format: PDF (electronic)
Pages: 69
Publisher: Auckland Park Theological Seminary

  • 1 copy for yourself and your family (R80)
  • Up to 5 copies for your cell group (R160)
  • Up to 10 copies for your cell group (R240)
  • Up to 15 copies for your cell group (R320)

About The author

Prof W.J. Hattingh is the Rector of Auckland Park Theological Seminary (ATS) and Head of the Practical Theology department.

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