The Pentecostal Church movement is the fastest-growing Christian movement in the world. As a pastor or leader of a Pentecostal church, you have the opportunity, through your academic studies, to contribute to the database of knowledge that solely aspires to proliferate the Kingdom of God.
Never before in the history of the Church has the Spirit-filled Pentecostal pastor had such a golden opportunity to help shape the future of global Christianity.
ATS acknowledges and respects the diversity of South African languages. Despite this rich language heritage, English has, for practical reasons, been chosen as the only medium of instruction at ATS. All lectures, study material, correspondence, meetings and gatherings will, therefore, be presented and/or conducted through the medium of English.
ATS’ mode of delivery is blended, off-campus/non-venue-based, and Internet supported. For more details, see the information on distance learning.
These programmes are for distance students only. Various non-compulsory contact sessions are held throughout the year to assist students at unlocking the module contents of the various programmes. Students will be notified of the dates of these classes upon registration.
Students may cancel their studies in writing, subject to the cancellation policy. Contact Administration to enquire about the cancellation policy.
All correspondence should be addressed to:
The Registrar: Administration
Private Bag X 75
Auckland Park
Biblical values and principles shall obtain under all circumstances and at all times. ATS, a Pentecostal institute, bases its education on the premise that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.
Values such as honesty, integrity, speaking the truth in a spirit of love, respect, dedication, mercy, love, faith, hope and servanthood, therefore, all form part of the expectation that ATS has of its lecturers, staff members and students alike.
Students may apply for financial aid from their local churches that recommend them for these studies. Banks may also assist with study loans.
Specific support relating to a study course should be sought from the lecturer in question, whose name and contact details will appear in the study guide.
ATS has an on-campus library. The librarian, Mrs Moroalle, is available to assist students with library queries.
The library has a wide variety of theological works available for study and research purposes. Online computers are available for electronic-media research.
The oldest Pentecostal archives in South Africa are located on the ATS campus. Students are welcome to avail themselves of this invaluable source of information. Researchers from various countries also make use of these facilities.
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