Standalone Learning Modules

What are ‘Standalone Learning Modules’?

Standalone Learning Modules are individual Modules (or subjects) that you can take for personal enrichment, to deepen your understanding of the Bible and theology and help you grow spiritually.

These modules:

  • are not full academic programmes,
  • have no minimum admission requirements,
  • are not accredited individually with the DHET.

The modules do however form part of the curriculum of, for e.g. the Bachelor of Theology degree. If you decide to apply for an accredited qualification at ATS in future, you may request Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and be credited for the standalone learning modules you have already completed.

How does studying a standalone learning module work?

After registering (see ‘How to get started…’) you will receive your printed study material and be given access to ATS’ online learning platform.

To get the most out of your studies, you can then do the online ‘Learning how to Learn’ micro-module that consists of 4 videos (30 minutes total):

  • explain invaluable learning techniques,
  • look at how the brain works during learning,
  • how to deal with procrastination, and
  • best practices in helping students master module outcomes.

Since the Standalone Learning Modules module(s) form part of the curriculum of an accredited qualification, you will complete the same assessments (e.g. assignments, tests and/or exam) as students studying these modules for a qualification. Your due dates will also be the same and if there are Virtual Classes, you’ll be invited to attend and participate. In essence, in the module(s) you have chosen, there is no distinction between you and a student studying for a qualification.

You’ll need to register an invigilator for your tests and exam.

Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information regarding:

  • What is an Invigilator?
  • Who qualifies as an Invigilator (requirements)?
  • What am I allowed to take with me to Tests and Exams?
  • How are marks for Modules calculated?

Available Modules

Biblical Greek

The Biblical language Greek consists of 2 Modules, namely Greek 711 and Greek 712.

These modules are part of the curriculum of the Bachelor of Theology.

Note: Greek can only be started in January since Greek 711 is a prerequisite for Greek 712.

  • Greek 711 (GR711)

    1st semester module that you register for during January.


    • Write and pronounce the Greek alphabet and Greek words
    • Greek grammar
    • Greek vocabulary
    • Translation from and to Greek


    • Tests: 2 tests (around March and April)
    • Exam: 1 examination at end of semester (May)

    Your study material is included in the cost for this module but you will need to pay for a copy of the Greek Lexicon (obtainable during registration). The lexicon is used in both first and second semester modules.

    This module has an online orientation video recording.

  • Greek 712 (GR712) Prerequisite: GR711 must be completed

    2nd semester module that you register for during June.


    • Greek grammar
    • Greek vocabulary
    • Translations from and to Greek


    • Tests: 2 tests (around September and October)
    • Exam: 1 examination at end of semester (November)

    Your study material is included in the cost for this module.

    This module has an online orientation video recording.

Biblical Hebrew

The Biblical language Hebrew consists of 2 Modules, namely Hebrew 711 and Hebrew 712.

These modules are part of the curriculum of the Bachelor of Theology.

Note: Hebrew can only be started in January since Hebrew 711 is a prerequisite for Hebrew 712.

  • Hebrew 711 (HB711)

    1st semester module that you register for during January.


    • The Hebrew alphabet
    • Scribal practise
    • Hebrew grammar
    • Hebrew vocabulary
    • Translations from and to Hebrew

    You will also learn how to use an App, not only to master Hebrew but enjoy it while successfully using your newfound knowledge. The App is a one-stop, exciting and valuable tool for serious learners of Hebrew. All information needed to correctly and properly analise the Hebrew grammar, getting the real meaning of a word, leading to the accurate interpretation of the text as part of the Old Testament (and New Testament) in order to use it for a message within a current context, can be achieved.


    • Tests: 2 tests (around March and April)
    • Exam: 1 examination at end of semester (May)

    Your study material is included in the cost for this module.

    This module has a virtual class or video recording every 2 weeks.

  • Hebrew 712 (HB712) Prerequisite: HB711 must be completed

    2nd semester module that you register for during June.


    • Hebrew grammar
    • Hebrew vocabulary
    • Translations from and to Hebrew


    • Tests: 2 tests (around September and October)
    • Exam: 1 examination at end of semester (November)

    Your study material is included in the cost for this module.

    This module has a virtual class or video recording every 2 weeks.

Apply to study this course →
You're welcome to call (+27) 11 726 7029 to discuss your studies.

Study fees (2025)

R2,100 per module (which includes deposit fee).

The deposit fee per module is R735.00 (35%) and is payable on the date of registration.

The remaining amount needs to be paid in 3 equal installments by latest end of April (1st semester) or September (2nd semester).

Unlike other institutions, Auckland Park Theological Seminary does NOT charge extra fees for your Application or Registration every semester.

85-100% of the prescribed study materials are included in the module fees and provided to the student.

A handling and dispatching fee for additional prescribed books and study material is payable if you do not collect your material from ATS. Estimated R200.

How to get started with ‘Standalone Learning Modules’

  1. The first step is to apply to study ‘Standalone Learning Modules’.
  2. During your application you will be able to select the Module or Modules you would like to study during the upcoming semester.
  3. Once your application has been approved, you will receive an email with details on how to pay your registration fee.
  4. After paying your registration fee, we will prepare your study material and notify you when you can collect it or when we dispatch it to you.
Apply to study this course →
You're welcome to call (+27) 11 726 7029 to discuss your studies.