From the Creation Sabbath to the Reality of Heaven
The purpose of this book is to provide a theological scientific approach to understand something of the space-time continuum from the creation Sabbath up to the return of Christ and the reality of heaven.
Expectations and readiness
In this work, an attempt is made to help believers understand how to live in these particular end-time, before Jesus returns, so that he/she may be ready, but also to live out his/her calling in this dynamic time.
Verwagtinge en gereedheid
In hierdie werk word gepoog om gelowiges te help om in hierdie besondere eindtyd, voor Jesus se wederkoms te weet hoe om as Christen te leef sodat hy gereed kan wees, maar ook om sy roeping in dié dinamiese tyd uit te leef.
In conversation with our Heavenly Father
After accepting Christ as Saviour and becoming a child of God, I have the wonderful opportunity to speak to my Heavenly Father.
A journey of hope
On the eschatological journey, God gives divine identity to his people, He creates an intimate relationship, He cares for them and they are involved as collaborators in his eschatological programme. God in his omnipotence and love, from the beginning had already the end in view.
A life in Christ, and Christ in you, the fullness of God in you.
The Spirit-filled person, when he speaks in tongues through the work of the Holy Spirit, talks about the miracle of the resurrected and glorified Christ in him.
To think anew about revival
What will I be able to tell Daniel, Moses, or Elijah about my own experience that will be greater and more glorious to them than their own experiences?
Om nuut te dink oorherlewing
Toe gebeur dit, 'n herlewing wat onder die radar plaasvind. Die Heilige Gees wat oor gesinne kom, wat mense in hulle binnekamers ontmoet en insig, raad en planne gee … en niks was ooit daarna weer dieselfde nie!
Sunday School programme for grade 0 to 7 learners
Research has taught us that the largest percentage of Christians come to repentance while in primary school. The growth and future of the Christian faith lies with our children.
Sondagskoolprogram vir grade 0 tot 7
Navorsing het ons geleer dat die grootste persentasie van Christene in die laerskool tot bekering kom. Die groei en die toekoms van die Christelike geloof lê by ons kinders.