From the Creation Sabbath to the Reality of Heaven
By Francois P. Möller
A practical workbook for Christians that gives a balanced and reliable examination of the doctrine about the end times, including:
- the signs of the end time as Jesus explained it to his disciples;
- a discussion of the contents of Revelation 11:1-19: a chapter in which the Bible expresses in a very unique manner the conflict between light and darkness and how it concluded in the actual victory of salvation granted by God; and
- the new heaven and earth that are the eventual destiny of all believers - “... and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastics 12:7).
The climax of the creation story is not the creation of human beings on the sixth day, but the day of rest that follows with its connection to God’s eternity and glory.
The book contains self-assessment questions making it especially suitable for personal bible study and/or to be studied in small groups.
Description of the book
Format: PDF (electronic)
Pages: 81
Publisher: Auckland Park Theological Seminary
Price: R150
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About The author
Prof F.P. Möller is the vice-rector of Auckland Park Theological Seminary (ATS) and head of the Dogmatics & Ethics department. From 1988 to 2006 he was a member of the International Roman Catholic, Pentecostal Dialogue.
Feedback & reviews on the book
“Baie goeie studie materiaal. Dit was vir my baie leersaam en dit het my sommer nog meer laat voel hoe lief die Here ons het en ons (ek) vir Hom en hoe dankbaar ek is dat ek gered is. En angstig vir almal wat nie die erns besef nie.” (“Very good study material. It was very instructive and it made me 'feel' even more how much the Lord loves us and how we (I) love Him, and how grateful I am that I am saved. And made me anxious for everyone who doesn't yet realise the seriousness of salvation.”)
“The author’s work always made me felt empowered to personally make sense of a very difficult portion of the Bible (Revelations). He does not demand that I take his word for what is coming but explains his foundational principles and interpretation of scripture. It gave me the tools to understand it (for myself) and not to be left at the mercy of every apocalyptic story or prophecy.”
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