Entrepreneurship Certificate

The key success factor of an entrepreneur is the person of the entrepreneur.

It is not primarily about knowledge; such as market research, business plans, cashflow, bookkeeping or even knowledge of the industry (successful entrepreneurs often venture into new and unfamiliar industries). No, the key differentiator is the person of the entrepreneur.

The person who has the ability to see opportunities and create something of value when and where others fail to see possibilities. The person who dashes into hope, who dashes into the future to create positive experiences and thriving communities through their ventures. It is the person who looks at a wilderness or at a desert and sees a garden, sees an opportunity to create new value.

What can you expect to get from studying the Entrepreneurship vocational Certificate (EC):

  • Insight into the “playing field” of an entrepreneur and the necessary skills so that you can develop your own game plan.
  • Skills on how to improve your personal and business network.
  • Insight into the dynamics of discovering new business opportunities that other people have missed.
  • Business ethics to guide your business endeavours.
  • A tool to make sure your business idea becomes a “bullet proof” plan.
  • “Business in the cloud” that is able to withstand the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

What you will not get from studying this vocational certificate:

  • We will not help you start a micro-enterprise such as a lawn care, beauty salon or arts&crafts business. We believe these enterprises are under tremendous pressure due to the changes brought by the 4th Industrial Revolution.
  • We will not teach you how to do accounting. We believe when you start to make money you will find a way to figure this out. Our aim is to get you to making money first.
  • We will not open a bank account for you, for the same reason as above.
  • We will not teach you back office managerial skills, because we believe there is a fundamental difference between an entrepreneur and a manager.

EC comprises of 2 modules, namely:

  • Module 1: The Person of the Entrepreneur
  • Module 2: Business in the cloud

Costs for 2024

EC is once-off payment up-front.

Full payment is made upon registration for the vocational certificate.

Important: Students need an Internet-connected PC or tablet.

The cost is R 880.

A handling and dispatching fee for books and study material is payable if you do not collect your material from ATS. The amount will depend on how many study manuals are to be posted. Estimated R200.

Note: Vocational Certificates are self-enrichment, in-house programmes to assist those involved in ministry. There are no minimum admission requirements. They are non-registered, non-credit bearing and non-credit RPL (recognition of prior learning) may apply.

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Alternatively phone (+27) 11 726 7029 for assistance.