Category: Big Change

A war against the truth of the Bible

There is a war against the truth of the Bible. People resist the message of the Bible, and for years there has been a relentless battle against it.

Initially, the strategy was subtle, but it has escalated, and now it is evident that this is a war – a war to undermine the Bible. The well-known Jewish professor and best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari has even suggested that the Bible be rewritten by Artificial Intelligence. The assault on the Bible has become blatant, no longer hidden, but with “all guns blazing.”

The war is not merely about a book. It concerns Jesus Christ and our salvation through Him. Jesus is not just one of the messages of the Bible. If you think Christ-centred, then Jesus is the message of the Bible! If Jesus is removed from Scripture, the heart of the Bible is removed.  The attack is on the Bible because it is precisely the Bible that brings us the core truth of Jesus.

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Election 2024

To vote or not to vote… and who to vote for on the 29th of May 2024?

When I grew up it was often said that you should not talk about church or politics.  I think it was a way to say that as Christians we should live in harmony and peace, and then it is best to stay clear of the two subjects that might stir up heated emotions.  Today I think differently.

Dr Frans Cronje*, arguably one of our countries most solid researchers and political analysts, last week spoke about the South African landscape and where our country is heading in the context of the upcoming election. Dr Cronje has been doing research and analysis for more than 20 years and in the past has been able to make conclusions that eventually materialised, even though at the time it was greatly criticised. Thus, in the light of his track record, it might be of value that we take note of some elements of his analysis. I would like to mention a few comments from the interview with Dr Cronje. 

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God-stories in the lives of ordinary people

Dr Möller senior, a previous president of the AFM church of South Africa, said that demon possession is not the church’s biggest problem (although Christians in Africa may experience it differently). His argument was that when a demon manifests in a person, a Christian sees it and then rebukes it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. A greater danger for the church however, is the world’s philosophies (world views) that enter the church unseen and undermine the truth of the Bible and Jesus.

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How to facilitate a Bible study home group

What is Facilitation?

Facilitation is a process where people gain new knowledge by participating in the Bible study rather that listening to information being presented by the ‘expert’ (be it the facilitator or pastor).  It is a process where people learn by being actively involved in the process.

Facilitating is an art of providing the right stimulus to a group so that they participate fully in their own spiritual growth.  The focus is therefore not on telling (preaching to) a group what to do, but rather on asking the right questions that will enable the group to “discover” truths and principles.

Facilitation is not teaching, not telling, not lecturing, not preaching, and not directing.

Facilitation is to provide the resources and the structure for group members to explore, learn and develop.

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Big Change: economic and social recovery plan for South Africa

This article is part of BIG Change.

The economy is a living organism with millions of connections between large, medium, and tiny nodes, in essence it boils down to over 55 million interconnected individuals. Fifty-five million individuals that come together in this country to trade in skills and time. People who want to gain value, and who want to improve their own lives and the lives of others through mutually-beneficial transactions.” ~ Chris Hattingh, about South Africa’s economy (BizNews).

The economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek explains this complexity as a system that no one can possibly get a mental grasp on. We cannot begin to truly understand this organisation and connection of millions of nodes, and therefore it is an order that no one can possibly control.

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