There is a war against the truth of the Bible. People resist the message of the Bible, and for years there has been a relentless battle against it.
Initially, the strategy was subtle, but it has escalated, and now it is evident that this is a war – a war to undermine the Bible. The well-known Jewish professor and best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari has even suggested that the Bible be rewritten by Artificial Intelligence. The assault on the Bible has become blatant, no longer hidden, but with “all guns blazing.”
The war is not merely about a book. It concerns Jesus Christ and our salvation through Him. Jesus is not just one of the messages of the Bible. If you think Christ-centred, then Jesus is the message of the Bible! If Jesus is removed from Scripture, the heart of the Bible is removed. The attack is on the Bible because it is precisely the Bible that brings us the core truth of Jesus.
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