Christian Worker's Certificate

The Christian Worker vocational Certificate (CWC) opens doors to exciting ministry opportunities within the body of Christ. This certificate is based on a Pentecostal perspective offering both basic biblical theological instruction as well as biblical, Pentecostal based practical input.

The Christian Workers’ Certificate is for:

  • Church leaders who do not have access to a diploma or a degree in theology because they do not have a Matriculation Certificate,
  • Church planters who want to effectively plant a new church,
  • Cell group leaders who want to improve their ministry skills within the cell group structure,
  • Retired people who want to use their retirement to develop a new ministry career within the body of Christ,
  • General ministry practitioners who, as members of an assembly, want to sharpen their skills within their ministry area,
  • Business people who want to build their businesses on sound biblical and Christian ethical standards, or
  • Any individual who seeks to be better informed in Christianity and Christian ministry.

The benefits of studying CWC:

  • Students without a Matriculation Certificate can become equipped for the full-time ministry.
  • Students become part of a rich history of studying and practising Christ-centered, Bible-based Pentecostal Theology within an African context.
  • Students are exposed to the teachings and work of highly skilled and experienced Pentecostal lecturers.
  • The programme may help students assess the possibility of pursuing a seminary diploma or degree.
  • The student will experience personal and spiritual enrichment.
  • CWC is an open time-line programme. Students register at any time of the year and work at their own pace.

CWC is presented in two levels:

Each level consists of 7 modules with a theological and practical mix.

A certificate is awarded on completion of each level.

CWC Level 1

  1. Spiritual growth
  2. Know the Bible: Old Testament
  3. Know the Bible: New Testament
  4. Discipleship
  5. Biblical Teachings
  6. Ministry skills: Preaching, Liturgy and Pastoral Counselling
  7. Church Administration

CWC Level 2 (Level 1 is compulsory for entry into level 2)

  1. Church History
  2. Christian Ethics
  3. Child and Family Ministry
  4. Youth Ministry
  5. Missiology and Evangelism
  6. Entrepreneurship
  7. Church Planting and using social media within church planting

Study fees for 2024

CWC is pay-as-you-go.

Payment is made per module upon registration of each module.

Students do not have to register for all the modules at the same time.

The cost per module is R 825.

A handling and dispatching fee for books and study material is payable if you do not collect your material from ATS. The amount will depend on how many study manuals are to be posted. Estimated R200.

Note: Vocational Certificates are self-enrichment, in-house programmes to assist those involved in ministry. There are no minimum admission requirements. They are non-registered, non-credit bearing and non-credit RPL (recognition of prior learning) may apply.

Apply to study this course →
You're welcome to call (+27) 11 726 7029 to discuss your studies.